Filter for retouched pics (but not exported)

Hi there!

I’m new to PhotoLab so I might be missing something, but: Is there a filter in the PhotoLibrary to show just the images that have not been touched or altered manually?

As an example: Coming back from a shooting I copy all images to a specific folder and delete all images I don’t consider fit for being edited. So I am being left with perhaps 50 pics. Now I start to edit them beyond the standard preset PL applies to them. Unfortunately I do this in a random order. After a while I would like to know which of 50 images I’ve already edited - and which not. All I can find a filter for processed images (which means “exported” ones). But my images haven’t been exported yet…

In Lightroom I used to use colors to mark the one I’ve already touched, but in PL?


I use the red/green “lights” to indicate whether I have processed an image or rejected it.

I do as @Joanna does:

  • Mark all images with red lights
  • Customize an image and then change the light to green


  • Keyboard shortcuts for lights: p/u/x
  • Delete files from within PhotoLab to keep the catalog (database) in sync with what’s on the drive

Thanks for sharing your ideas. Indeed, using the red/greed flags will do the job for now. However, I’d love to see either color-tag (as proposed a couple of times in this forum) or a filter for this purpose. Shouldn’t be to hard to implement… :wink:

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