FilmPack 5 Elite feature request : raw denoising on par with Photolab Elite

Currently FP5 Elite only supports HQ noise reduction, unless the camera model is DxO ONE, in which case PRIME is used.

Feature : The standalone version of FP5 elite should also support PRIME and DeepPRIME.

Hello Pierre,
so what you are asking for is that Filmpack can work on raw-files in sthe standalone version -correct?

Hi Sigi

FP5 already does process raw files ; however, the denoising is optional. The built-in denoising algorithm is HQ for all cameras, except the DxO ONE which defaults to PRIME.

The Elite version of FP5 should be capable of denoising with PRIME and DeepPRIME on all camera models.

Interesting. I found this information in the release notes for FilmPack 5.5.5:

DxO ONE SuperRAW files are now processed using PRIME 2016

PRIME 2016 came out two years after FP5 was initially released - so it seems it was backported from OpticsPro 11.3. But only for SuperRAW format. And the FP5 user guide makes no mention of any particular noise reduction type.

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Yes … I opened a support ticked with DxO to document RAW algorithms used in FP5.

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