Expand/Collapse Tools and/or Palettes

As of DPL 4.1 (on Mac) there is this context menu:
Bildschirmfoto 2020-12-12 um 12.52.27

The context menu relates to tools and palettes, not to the object the mouse sits on. The functionality needs some polishing imo. Here’s why:

  1. when I select “expand all” all palettes expand and all tools in all palettes expand too.
  2. When I right-click in a tool and select “collapse all”, all palettes collapse, except the one on which the mouse rested when I clicked. This means that the text should read “collapse other palettes”


  1. change wording to describe the scope of the commands
    (e.g. collapse other palettes and expand all palettes and tools)

Right click could present two options for collapsing:

  • Collapse all
  • Collapse other, which would keep the current tool uncollapsed

Collapse all is far more useful than collapse other, so it could be the only option.

Anyway, DxO could add a line or two, no need to limit the popup to two lines :thinking:

Having customized my palettes (Windows 10, 2-monitor-setup), I didn’t take notice of this behaviour.
But it happens in ‘DxO Standard’ and ‘DxO Advanced’ mode – and it doesn’t look ‘rounded’.

When I left click e.g. on ‘Details’ (a group which contains a collection of tools), this group collapses / expands, which corresponds with the right click >> context menu >> top entry ‘Collapse / Expand’
(in German: Minimieren / Ausklappen).

Screen Shot 12-12-20 at 03.29 PM

Then, when I left click on one of the tools e.g. within the ‘Details’ group, the selected tool
collapses / expands, which so far works uniformly.

Now with right click on the very same tool, I get >> context menu ‘Expand all / Collapse all’
(in german: Alle erweitern / Alles zusammenbrechen --> expression to be changed …),
but it will expand ALL tools in ALL groups,
while collapsing it closes everything EXCEPT the SELECTED tool. ???

Screen Shot 12-12-20 at 03.30 PM

This looks quite inconsistent.

When selecting a tool located within a group as a ‘subfolder’, I expect it to expand and collapse solely
and no other tools, but having all tools in expanded view on a single screen is just to much.

Better structured and therefore easier to follow:

  1. By default, DxO Advanced opens ALL groups and gives an overlook for the tools
    (including blue markings, if already edited). = check

  2. If to expand / collapse all tools from the SAME group
    only have ‘Expand all / Collaps all’ in the group’s context menu, = MISSING
    or click on the hardcoded button (same group / expanded view) = check

  3. When already edited, click the Activ Corrections button
    to show ALL used tools in expanded view. = check


tested with PL4.1.0 and 4.1.1 // edit: some clearer wording

@Wolfgang, you just submitted a screenshot with another language quirk: “Abkuppeln”. Sounds strange to me. I’d use “abkoppeln”, but then again, I’m not that good in proper German… Duden seems to be impartial between abkuppeln/abkoppeln…

Hi guys,
very funny discussion :smile:

So in Lightroom it looks like
you can also use
Aufklappen / Zuklappen (but for my german ears it doesn’t sound good for software)
Anzeigen / Verbergen

The term Abkuppeln is used for cars and Caravans
Abkoppeln would be used for software

Now one for joke…that’s what a well known soccer player said in an interview " I had some problems with my balls"

Enjoy third of advent


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Sounds more like proper German than Aufklappen/Zuklappen.

Copied the proposal over to

@platypus, somewhat back to school 50 years ago, with all its up and downs :grimacing:

The English version uses ‘float’, which describes the future state while still ‘docked / coupled’.

Screen Shot 12-13-20 at 12.24 PM

In contrast, the German expression ‘Abkuppeln’ describes the activity to get to that state.

I would suggest to replace ‘Abkuppeln’ with the expression ‘Abkoppeln’, while ‘float’ would be more something else like ‘Schwebende Palette’, which is just too long to put in here.

Afaik, ‘Abkuppeln’ is a more direct or technical aspect (uncouple / undock), while ‘Abkoppeln’ can
also be used figuratively (decouple / detach / separate) …
I’m fine with any expedient expression, but the aforesaid behaviour could be revized. When software gets in the way (e.g. not well structured to be ‘self explaining’), it can hinder creativity and that should be avoided.

Anyway, have fun – and in case DxO is asking for special taskforce, w’ll chime in. :sunglasses:

[Oh Mann, das dauert immer ewig, bis ich ganze Zeug geschrieben habe. – BTW, bis auf die ersten Minolta-Jahre habe ich mit Nikon fotografiert, vor 15 Jahren mit Digital angefangen (Fuji S3 Pro, PSE, DxO, SilkyPix, Fuji HyperUtility), vor 10 Jahren die NIK Filter ‘abonniert’ … und 2019 DxO.]

So we must have a look not to mix the elements
For main section like Color, Light and so on there are different terms in the context menu like in the context menu by the sub terms as Color Rendering, Tone Curve and so on.
Instead of Ankoppeln/Abkoppeln I would use Angedockt/Abgedockt (like in Affinity) or Fest/Frei

Nun werde ich ein Glas Wein drinken und morgen noch einmal darüber nachdenken


Yes, collapse/expand is not dock/undock (duck/unduck) :duck: