Does PureRAW use the graphics processor of the computer?

Does PureRAW use the graphics processor of the computer? I have a Surface Book with the graphics processor, but when watching the system resources, the graphics card is almost idle. My desktop has a much more powerful processor and graphics card, and it zips right through the processing step.

The DeepPRIME functionality in PureRAW can use a graphic card’s GPU to significantly speed up processing. However, whether PureRAW uses a GPU depends on the graphics card meeting DeepPRIME’s performance standards. If a card’s GPU does not meet the minimum standards, the computer’s CPU is used instead and overall processing time will generally be much slower. It is similar to processing the same features in PhotoLab 4 Elite.


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Yes, and I see fairly obvious differences in processing time when I set PR to CPU only vs. Automatic on both my 2019 iMac and M1 MacBook Air.