Disappointing Bugs for 4K Monitor users

Well the first issue was that immediately after paying, downloading and installing the upgrade, and then opening it in PS, the text of the Nik windows is so small on my 4K Dell laptop, that it makes it virtually impossible to read. A bit of searching online and this is a known problem by NIK. Umm why?!! and when are they going to produce a solution? This is absurd.I’m astounded that I’ve just paid again for software that has a clear and very obvious bug in it!

Then I look at the " What’s New in the Nik Collection 3 by DxO" presented by Dan Hughes Uploaded June 9th. Within the first few mins Dan is confidently explaining about the new features. At 1.41 on the video you can see an arrow on the right of Define 2 - yes I have that and can access it. At 2.46 for Colour Efex, there is a similar arrow on the right - Nope not on my version, which after checking is most definitely Nik 3, lastest update. I need to click on the button and then it opens Colour Efex, there is no drop down menu prior to that as per Dan’s version. Same issue applies on the others, I only have the right arrow on Define. How come Dan’s version has that option on something other then Define?

I’ve been using Nik since it was first introduced, I was also a Nik beta tester before google bought it. I’m on Windows 10, using the very latest 2020 version of PS

Has there been any update on fixing the tiny text on 4k screens? I just updated to the newest version of NIK 4. Just hoping the text was useable. NOT!

How come every other photo software can deal with Windows upscale to whatever percent the screen needs to be. (eg. 175%) But not NIK?

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Dan Hughes is on a Mac – which of course doesn’t help. :frowning: