CR3 files shown as EXIF corrupter/not editable in DxO after IMatch Metadata writeback

Despite the new Imatch (2020), I hope that DxO can sort out their end.

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I have the version before this latest one. I will wait for the next release.

Hi Zoltán,
thank you for testing this on your end. So we’ll just have to wait for DxO to fix this bug to be able to work on those files previously edited in Imatch 2019…


we are currently working on the fix but it would be really nice if you can share more files with that problem so we will be sure to fix it properly.
we also do it using iMatch but users files are always good for test.


Hello Peter,
I have some files for DxO but don’t have IMatch.
I uploaded a set of original CR3 files to my Onedrive.
Would you be so nice and import them to IMatch and add some metadata, so I/we can provide them to DxO for testing?
Those are from my M50 camera.
You can upload the edited files to the same folder.
Onedrive share


Hello Zoltan,

I cannot do as you ask. Yesterday I upgraded to IMatch 2020, which introduces a work around for this problem. I can add metadata, but IMatch, through ExifTool, now writes all ExifByteOrder lines as little-endian. The problem is that DxO does not process ExifByteOrder lines written as big-endian, which was happening with the previous IMatch version.

I can let you have some of my cr3 files written in the previous IMatch version, which still include big-endian. I do not use onedrive and do not seem able to to use your shared folder. Could you please explain how to upload on your onedrive share folder. Alternatively could you let me have your personal email address, so I could share these with you by Dropbox.

Best wishes


Hello Peter,
if you cannot convert my files but are willing to share some examples for DxO for testing, you can upload to them directly.
This is the link:
As ticket number you can give your name or the “dfrmwk-16683” added by DxO as a mark to this thread and probably tell here, that you have uploaded files to them.

The Onedrive link should open and you can drag files into the window to upload and download them by clicking, but I send you my address via PM.

If somebody else still using IMatch 2019 here could write some data to the files, I would provide them also for testing.

Glad you can use IMatch to your CR3 files again.



our developpers have done the fix unfortunately it was too late to put it in next release of PhotoLab that will come shortly.

About the the issue, it was caused by different byte order in GPS IFD (CTM3 container). The entire file was II and GPS IFD was MM. So, the investigation done on the forum is correct.
It was reproduced on IMatch 2019.8.3 (exiftool 11.62). When a version of PhotoLab will contain the fix this won’t be a problem as the code will handle different byte orders in CR3 file.

For information the new IMatch and exiftool versions save CR3 in one byte order and the problem is not observed.



That’s great news, thanks for the update, Marie. :+1:

Hello @Marie,

Thanks for the news. Hopefully it will make it to the release after the next release.

Finally uploaded a set of corrupted photos from another camera (provided by Peter) and a set of unchanged originals from my M50 for test purposes.


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PL 3.3. released this week finally solves this issue also for files modified before the solution/workaround in ExifTool.




Thank you for the confirmation!