Contrast Color Range Needs a "Color Range" Filter

In Color Efex Pro 3, I use the “Contrast Color Range” filter frequently. There appears to be only one way to apply this filter selectively–that is by use of control points. What this filter really needs, however, is a “Color Range” selection filter similar what is seen in the two sharpening filters.

Hi @MojoGene,

while I use NIK Filters (and now Nik Collection) ever since, this quite interesting “Contrast Color Range” filter hasn’t been part of my favourites. So I played with it …

Maybe you try with one or two BIG control points placed on a distinct color

  • to ‘exclude’ it from color contrast enhancement
    (general opacity 100%, control point/s 0%)

  • to ‘solely’ enhance the specific color
    (general opacity 0%, control point/s 100%)

In case you use PhotoLab 4, try the HSL tool (also works with JPG and TIFF files).
have fun, Wolfgang

Ah, now I see how the two opacity filters work in tandem! Excellent advice. Thanks.