Color tint red and yellow

And if you use the color picker, gray picker, in the wb tool you get the real color temperature, based on the part you select with it. And you see the colors changing when moving around.


for this “test” i selected on all the part on the nose:


(which is off white yellow tint)

target red mustas.
conclusion: if you want a precise WB "graypicker"action zoom in deeply to find the right spot.
(same for using the controlpoint location the small circle in the middle defines the mask.)


Essential the white balance/color temperature is showing you how far that part is of the gray value, equal values of r,g and b when using the gray picker.
In CaptureNx2 there where 2 gray pipets, one in the raw sectio and one outside that section. The difference was that the graypipet in the raw section changed the r and b channels but not the g channel. With the pipet outside the raw section all channels where changed, averaged. In both cases the result of that measurement was used for all the pixels in some way.
Watch the pixel values of that part you selected.


video click here
(That last click did a fairly good white sheet and yellow wall)
ended up with R130 G132 B131.
an other application:

and a dual WB adjustment:

Time to hit the sack, working tomorrow

Thanks Calle, i watched the two video’s and this should be sticky in tutorials!
@sgospodarenko could you make a sticky post in tutorial header where these links are in?
Every time we, i , them, anyone is confused about this subject or a thread is jumping around in space like we often have because “we” in general arn’t have a degree in “science of color” and often are half right in our thoughts, we can point to that or re-watch this. Marc Levoy tells it very clear and understandable the principle’s of color.
great supportive graphic’s along the way.

if there are more of him i really like to watch them too. :slight_smile:
See here

Thanks much better then books and writing.


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