Color behavior - Any answer?

The converter comes with >3000 .dcp profiles including camera specific styles.
The app gets regular updates, mostly with new camera profiles.


Well, I just downloaded the latest build and can’t see where all these profiles are kept.

  1. Run the installer
  2. Find 2 folders in /Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/CameraProfiles/
    !!! not /Users/…/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/CameraProfiles/

Aaaarrrggghhh !!!

Thank you for that. @JoPoV is that of any help to you?

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Do you use Dropbox or OneDrive? These would be ways to transfer larger files as well.

@JoPoV were the DCP profiles @platypus mentioned of any use?

In Windows 10 these dcp profiles are kept in “C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\CameraProfiles\Camera”, as I just figured out. I tried these dcp profiles for my Nikon d7500 and they work great. Do a great job of emulating the Nikon picture controls. I had no idea that this could be done until I stumbled upon this post. I had always assumed that I could never use picture controls unless I used the Nikon proprietary software. This has been extremely helpful. Hopefully @JoPoV willl find this helpful as well.

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Was out for a while (had a lot to do with a very heavy production, no time for forums, only for work).
Will look at it.

Thank you very much !!!