Capacity to "drill down" into subfolders.

A significant number of other programs which organise media contain a “drill down” mechanism whereby, if selected, the software reads all of the images in a folder, including those in a subfolder and displays therefore a flat view of all the images in a folder hierarchy.

Kyno and Luminar spring immediately to mind in this regard.

I have purchased PL3 and am happy with it’s workings for RAW development, but this function would make it workable as a DAM, which currently I dont find it to be.

Hello @sixnon and welcome to the forum,

Thank you for the suggestion, it is already in our backlog so I will close the request to free the votes.

P.S. When you create a request you can vote for your suggestion as well as suggestions are analysed by the number of votes.

Svetlana G.


I’m not sure to understand.

PL is already exploring Subfolders for the DAM usage!
However, for image selection, PL respects the folders hierarchy and so, it’s a good thing.
