Are DXO Having a Laugh, or just Money Grabbing?

DXO reads just about every single post on this forum. However, they are very careful choosing which posts will get responses.

As we all know, there are features in PhotoLab with unfinished/unrefined functionality. There are requested features which have been in the backlog for years. There are promised features which have not been delivered. There is a growing number of feature differences between platforms despite DxO’s assurances that they are being addressed.

This is the reality of using the PhotoLab Suite. We can choose to continue to use DxO’s products despite the frustration of its limitations, or we can move on to other products that may better meet our needs. Many of us, myself included, still continue to favor this software over the competition despite It’s sometimes frustrating limitations.

With regard to DXO responding to posts on this forum, short of indicating that a resolution to a specific issue will be available in a specific time frame, there is nothing they can say to ameliorate frustrated users like @Stenis. As a result they too often say nothing, which gives the impression they don’t know what’s being posted here or just don’t care. They are most likely to respond to specific bugs with existing functionality. The software not working the way a user expects is not necessarily a bug. DxO generally will not respond to, or discuss, any resolution to functional limitations, design issues, or planned new features.

It is what it is.



I don´t want to have to “work around” bugs like the performance bug in PhotoLibrary that forces me to put up with a delay of 2-3 seconds per image when it´s instant to walk through the same images in the “Customize”-module. That just have to be a bug. They apparently know how to do it in the “Customize”-module, don´t they??

A problem like that in PhotoMechanic would have been picked up instantly by Kirk Baker or one of his friends reading the message flow in Camera Bits Forum. I have worked a lot with the most important software companys on the market when I first got into the software business, so I just compare here what I´m experiencing in DXO Forums.

There are other cases where we can learn from each other but this is not one of them.

Talking about a problem here is just talking to deaf DXO ears. It changes absolutely nothing. That´s why I will cut down my presence here substantially and use my limited time more carefully. I rather spend it on digitizing old analog images, metadata setting my backlog or write a few new reports or image stories.

I will just answer a very long post in another tread by “Milan” first, because I feel he deserves a reply on that ambitious text he wrote.


If you feel you found a bug, why don’t you contact tech support? They will respond quickly (I tried and response time was less than 12 hours) and check if it really is a bug. If yes, they will add it to their to-do list. Or they will explain why they think it is not a bug, and eventually help you how to work around a feature that does not work as you expect. No need to rant in the forum, this is not what it is meant for.

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I can’t imagine that they haven’t seen this bug a long time ago just by themselves and this is absolutely not anything new for them either. Others have stated they have seen exactly the same problems in earlier versions.

… and I have very hard to take in that they shouldn’t actively monitor their forums to pick up problems and opinions about both the software itself and company.

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Have to agree with @Stenis here. This is corporate speak for how high should I jump. Companies should pick up real world feedback where they can. I know Apple tells all its users to talk to the hand when using Apple Discussion Forums. Apple also runs huge test labs with structured feedback. Apple also for the last ten years have more imbeciles for users than competent users, hence feedback on the forums is exceptionally uneven.

That said, Apple should and probably are monitoring the forums more closely than they say.

Did you not see what @mwsilvers said a couple of posts earlier?

They do monitor this site regularly. They are very selective when responding, for the reasons I mentioned earlier.

Mark .

… and what am supposed to do with that??

Hello Mark,

I have a completely different perception. Since Svetlana and Steven are no longer actively monitoring here, we might as well hijack the forum :rofl:.
If someone from DXO would at least get in touch on some of the topics like “DIFFERENCES”, UserInterface and a few other topics, I as a customer would at least have the feeling of being heard, but so…???
And Stenis and I are not the only ones who feel this way, there are enough entries about it.

Have fun in the forum



You certainly can believe what you wish, however, the lack of response to many user issues and concerns doesn’t mean they are unaware of them, merely that they chose not to respond. For issues related to functionality they would not be in a position to give a satisfactory explanation, or any timeframe for updates, and would therefore get themselves embroiled in to an ongoing discussion that would lead nowhere and satisfy no one. As a general rule they do not discuss potential updates to current functionality, or new features, prior to their implementation, and tend to reply here only to reports of actual bugs. With regard to lenses and cameras they fairly recently began to be much more transparent about future support timeframes.


sgospodarenko is still monitoring the forum, even though many have just been quiet doesn’t mean no one is watching. keep in mind that since the pandemic hit, many businesses run from home and they just need video session with employees here and there for check up, does answering everyone question a priority? maybe not, but there still work in progress to finish Nik and fixing PL issues, maybe there’s less people working there, I don’t know, anyone knows?

i’m not taking their side over your side, i do have frustration like everyone else, but to prove they still work is simple, Nik 6 final update are coming soon, PL5 got that 5.12 built 93 recently over 5.11 built 92 plus PL6 update… which i don’t have.

plus the bug i reported yesterday about left panel/zoom issue.

I have always believed what I want, I have always held my opinion, but I am open to logical and objective arguments and can change my mind after careful consideration and weighing of arguments.
What I have learned over time and during my professional career, however, is that the absence of any communication does not necessarily improve a customer-manufacturer relationship. As a customer, I am happier to hear a statement that may not satisfy me than to experience constant ignorance from the other side.
But that is, as I said, my personal opinion.

And someone once said “There is my truth, there is your truth and there is the truth”. :innocent:


Don’t mind the small man behind the green curtain.

We’re off to see the Wizard,
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
We hear he is a whiz of a Wiz,
if ever a Wiz there was.
If ever oh ever a Wiz there was,
The Wizard of Oz is one because,
Because, because, because, because, because.
Because of the wonderful things he does.
We’re off to see the Wizard.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

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Hey Alec,

My responses in this thread were aimed at suggestions that DxO does not monitor this forum, nothing more. I would prefer a greater degree of transparency and responsiveness on DxO’s part but I don’t expect it.


@Joanna You probably right,

  1. Anything Silver efex can do, PL can do it too. I.e. any end result photo in SEP, could be done within PL.
  2. No need for Tiff conversation… Great

But SEP is not only about capabilities, it’s about inspiration. The Presets gives you some ideas which probably were not in your first vision of the end result.
Nevertheless, if we put presets aside, there’s some tools I didn’t understand how to implement in PL.
Such as,

  • Amplify whites
  • Amplify blacks
  • Soft contrast
    They are probably implemented with curve tool.
    Could you explain how each single tool of those above could be implemented in PL?

Which is why I use FilmPack to give me all sorts of presets, not only for film but, also from the Time Machine collection.

Take a look at the Selective Tonality tool.

Or you could use that as well or instead.

Yet, it’s more of Film simulation, it’s not as versatile as the SEP presets.

The selective tonality relates to the “Brightness”
The Amplify whites/blacks relates to “Contrast”

I thought you managed to emulate each one of those special tools from SEP.
Such as:
Amplify Whites
Amplify Blacks
Soft Contrast
Dynamic Brightness.

If I could emulate each one of those tools in PL, I could save each one as preset, and use it as a tool in PL.
Moreover I could emulate each SEP preset in PL
Then, I could do all my processing in PL
Or just otherwise, DXO will release SilverPack for PL

But there is an element of contrast included.

So, here’s Amplify Whites in SFX…

… and here’s a Tone Curve in PL6

Here’s Amplify Blacks in SFX…

… and here’s a Tone Curve in PL6…

Here’s Soft Contrast to the right in SFX…

… and here’s a Tone Curve in PL6…

Here’s Soft Contrast to the left in SFX…

… and here’s a Tone Curve in PL6…

You see, it’s not that difficult to do the same thing, just with different tools.


I knew I could count on you :slight_smile:
Now I will try to understand how the slider movement left/right in SEP could be implemented via these curve in PL…
Later on I will try to emulate one SEP preset

Don’t even attempt to try. Just start playing with the curve, finding out what shape creates what effect.

In essence, if you create an ‘S’ curve, it will increase the contrast, if you create a ‘Z’ curve, it will tend to flatten things out.

Sometimes, you need to do something very special…