A little bit more intelligent UI would be nice

I don’t use “projects” in PL 4.3.4 very often, as the whole thing is a mess and not thought through. In terms of usable DAM, PL is nowhere near “usable” IMHO.

So, this evening I wanted to rename a project.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-10 um 20.07.30

Guys of DxO: In 2021 it’s unforgivable, to put a black text in front of dark grey background. That is not at all respecting the needs of recognizable text to edit and it simply sucks!

…agreed…but I don’t get the black on dark grey all the time. I often get to rename like this:

(DPL5 on macOS 11.6.1)

Sure, I also could mark the whole word and type it again, bit for just deleting one character the way DxO displays text ist simply the wrong way to do.